What are the most fascinating science facts?

1) When you throw stone on water surface with revolutions at angle of 20 to 25 degree , stone will bounce on water twice or thrice or even more . It's rotation cause these bounces .
Can you imagine that this technique might be used to build the bomb ?
Yes it was.
During second world war Britain was facing heavy air attacks from Germany . To stop those attacks they will have to destroy their production line . Which was secured with anti aircraft gun and Radar . Generally these machinery industries require lots of water . To fulfill the need they built their industries near the dams .
In order to destroy the aircraft industries Britain need to destroy these dams.
- Möhne dam
- Eder dam
- Sorpe dam
- Ennepe dam
But it was too much difficult as all these dams have anti torpedo nets protecting it from any attack .
To destroy it one need to blast the bomb at the base of dam .
Britain developed special bomb for this named “bouncing bomb” which was invented by Burnes Willis .
Its shape was like drum . Its weight was around 4000 kg . It's released at Target with 500 rpm . This will help to skip on the water . And after reaching to the wall of dam it's revolutions help it to stick to the wall . This bomb now acts as a depth charge . After reaching to certain depth it will blow up.
It had a great impact on WW2.
Can anyone imagine that this beautiful and innocent game of skipping the stone could be used in such a disastrous attack ?
Well this is the world where anything can happen.
2) Water's Unique Properties: Water expands when it freezes, which is why ice floats. This property is crucial for aquatic life, as it insulates bodies of water and prevents them from freezing solid.
3) DNA Length: If uncoiled, the DNA in all the cells in your body would stretch about 10 billion miles, which is enough to reach Pluto and back.
4) Neutron Stars: A sugar-cube-sized amount of material from a neutron star would weigh about 6 billion tons on Earth due to the extreme density of neutron stars.
5) The Speed of Light: Light from the Sun takes about 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach Earth. This means we see the Sun as it was over 8 minutes ago.
6) Antibiotic Resistance: Bacteria can evolve resistance to antibiotics incredibly quickly, sometimes within just a few days, which poses a significant challenge to modern medicine.
7) The Immune System: Your body has a remarkable ability to recognize and remember pathogens. The immune system can remember past infections and respond more effectively to them in the future.
8) Quantum Entanglement: In quantum physics, particles can become entangled, meaning the state of one particle instantly influences the state of another, regardless of the distance separating them.
9) Earth's Atmosphere: About 75% of the atmosphere's mass is concentrated in the first 11 kilometers (about 7 miles) above Earth's surface, which is why airplanes usually fly at altitudes above this range.
10) The Universe's Expansion: The universe has been expanding since the Big Bang, and it's doing so at an accelerating rate due to a mysterious force called dark energy.
11) Tardigrades' Resilience: Tardigrades, or water bears, can survive extreme conditions, including temperatures from absolute zero to over 300°F, high radiation levels, and even the vacuum of space.
These facts illustrate the complexity and beauty of the universe we inhabit, showcasing both the wonders of biology and the mysteries of physics.